The 10 Most Successful Businesswomen to Watch

Nicole Odom-Hardnett: Raising Her Voice to Destigmatize Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, and Other Diagnoses

The 10 Most Successful Businesswomen to Watch

Your mental health includes a variety of factors, including your biology, your psychological state, and your habits. According to the World Health Organization, mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” On the other side, your behavioral health investigates how your behaviors affect your general physical and mental health. 

The founder of Focus Point Solutions, LLC, and Focus Point Behavioral Health, Nicole Odom-Hardnett, always anticipated being a leader and a company owner. She recognized a critical need for how to best serve her community and genuinely make an impact after completing her masters degree and overseeing the operations of other health organizations. Her desire to help others led her naturally into the behavioral health sector. By naming her business “Focus Point Solutions,” she was able to begin with transitional houses, go on to assisted living, and eventually establish a clinic for substance abuse and mental health. 

Nicole was able to effectively use her knowledge, skill, and business experience to establish new enterprises thanks to her intensive therapy and personal development work. The first is “Talk to Nicole,” a counseling firm that specializes in fostering harmonious relationships, particularly in mixed families. Additionally, the Savvy Sisters Society is a group of working mothers who join together to support one another. 

In order to assist customers in achieving their intended outcomes, Nicole challenges the status quo and comfort zones. It is a reflection of her main company, Focus Point Solutions, LLC, where she collaborates with those who battle addiction, mental illness, and violent relationships. 

Nicole has a talent for speaking up to reduce the stigma around illnesses like addiction, anxiety, depression, and others that are all too frequently disregarded or rejected. She not only raises consciousness and attention but has devoted her whole life to improving society as a whole. 

Born to Help 

Nicole was born into a career military family. “Service and dedication” are her family’s key principles. Nicole’s decision to launch a company devoted to aiding others was therefore an obvious one. A transitional home care company served as her entry point into her present firm. 

Nicole learned the value of having a dedicated and caring team in that position. My company grew, and so did her vision. She bravely started her own behavioral health facility as a consequence. Focus Point Behavioral Health was established in this manner. 

Focus Point Behavioral Health 

Focus Point Behavioral Health offers the full range of behavioral health services for all populations, including outpatient services, medication assisted treatment (MAT), a psychiatric rehabilitation program (PRP) for adults and adolescents, mental health therapy, supportive employment services, and DUI/DWI education. These services include intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment. For adults, kids, teenagers, and families, we provide counseling, therapy, and mental health services. Nicole shares, “Our primary challenge is staffing. That is why we are constantly vetting new talent for upcoming openings, while simultaneously providing ongoing training sessions throughout the year for our current staff, as we build more centers across America.” 

Responsibility to Maintain Values, Commitment and Result  

The company’s visionary is Nicole. Her duties include ensuring that the company’s culture actively reflects the key principles of “service and dedication,” as stated by Focus Point Solutions, LLC. Nicole also majored in business; as a result, she ensures that Focus Point operates properly and efficiently. 

In the field of behavioral health care, Nicole’s job is to lessen the stigma around getting and seeking out services for addiction therapy and mental health treatment. Nicole wants to make sure that Focus Point Behavioral is engaged with the markets it serves through social media postings and campaigns, having interesting discussions, and disseminating crucial information. She also makes sure that every center is visually pleasing and pleasant to everyone who contacts the team looking for assistance. 

As a leader, Nicole leads by example. She believes in integrity, fairness, and teamwork. She asserts, “I use the “Trust but Verify” approach with my staff. The combination of hiring quality talent, ongoing training for our staff, and allowing our employees to feel included in our growth process has proven to be a ”Secret Success Formula” for Focus Point.”    

Blends it to Perfection 

Since 2013, Nicole has raised a blended or extended family. Thomas, her husband, their two biological children, and five other children make up her mixed family. She likes sharing her experiences regarding blending, marriage, children, and business since she is enthusiastic about women and families (both mixed and traditional). Nicole is of the opinion that all families, whether they are mixed or traditional, can overcome the challenges of marriage and family life. Nicole enjoys uplifting people and sharing her views on blended families, preventative parenting, and spousal priority. She says, “My topics are filled with thought-provoking stories, interactive inspiration, practical experience, and suggested activities.” 

One of her favorite sayings is, “Hang on; hold on tight,” and she states, “When blended moms and families hang on for what almost always is an interesting ride, they also need to hold on tight; the reward, though, is always worth it.”  

The Life Lessons 

As per Nicole, the biggest lesson she has learned in the process of growing her business is that her clients truly depend on Focus Point Solutions to do its jobs to the best of its ability. She asserts, “In my business, we meet people where they are, and many of our clients are at the lowest point that they have ever been in life. They trust us to help them transition to a better version of who they know they can become.” 

Books that Inspires and Improve

Nicole loves Jim Collins’ Good To Great as this book offers insight and motivation on how to stay on the cutting edge of being a great company. She also loves Who Moved My Cheese, by Spencer Jonson & Kenneth Blanchard because of its motivational business tips on how to deal with change, both personally and professionally.   

Tech that Advances Work

As per Nicole, digital healthcare software strengthens her industry. Just to name one big advantage, customized telehealth software makes it possible for her to reach deeper into traditionally underserved communities. She says, “No longer will living in rural locations and remote areas be a barrier to receiving services.” Via this ever-evolving technology, she now brings her services directly to people, no matter where they are living; That’s a game-changer.

Moving towards Every Major City  

Nicole envisions expanding Focus Point Behavioral Health Centers in every major city across America. Her franchise opportunity is the mechanism she will use to make that vision a reality. She is currently vetting investors who have a shared vision to help those in need of addiction counseling and behavioral health services. “For those who wish to learn more, they can go to or call for more information call Alan George at 978-886-7908.”

Nicole’s advice for all emerging leaders is to “Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep moving forward, and “If you can see It” in your mind’s eye, “you can achieve it”!”