Rita Trotter: An Expert in the Areas of Fitness, Business, Leadership, and Lifestyle
The 10 Most Inspiring CEOs in Business, 2023

Women should be aware of their fitness because it is essential for their overall health and well-being. Regular physical activity can help women maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, improve bone density and muscle strength, and enhance mental health and cognitive function. Additionally, being physically fit can improve confidence and self-esteem, as well as provide opportunities for socialization and connection with others.
Rita Trotter is a Health and Behavior Change Coach who is passionate about promoting joy, self-acceptance, physical and emotional harmony, and genuine wellness. Her philosophy centers around empowering individuals to achieve success and good health by sharing their knowledge and wisdom. Her expertise in women’s health is derived from her personal struggles with weight, sleep, energy, productivity, and health, which she shares with the female community. Rita has several qualifications, including personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, long-covid rehabilitator, women’s hormone and pre/postnatal specialist, health for business coach, published author of three widely popular books, and creator and facilitator of The Self-Health System Programmes.
Prior Life
Rita Trotter’s career path began in catering, where she worked as an executive manager in London for many years. She stumbled upon this career at the young age of 14 due to her family’s financial situation. Starting as a potwash, she worked her way up to management by the age of 20. Rita enjoyed traveling the world and visiting different restaurants and wineries, but she felt like something was missing in her life. She was unsure of her purpose and believed that serving food was not her calling. It was not until she faced her own weight struggles that she discovered the importance of fitness and maintaining good health. Rita started researching fitness and even earned a diploma in personal training to learn more about the field. She remembers being terrified during her first visit to a commercial gym, but this experience motivated her to pursue a career and business in the health and fitness industry. Today, she is the founder of The Health and Fitness Coach, where she helps others achieve their wellness goals.
Personalized Fitness Offerings
The Women’s Business Centre offers Premium Partnership 1:1 Coaching and The Health Collective Mastermind Group Coaching, exclusively for women. Its initial programs run for three months, and it also offers The Life Collective 6 Month Coaching Program as a follow-up option. This program delves even deeper into the mastery of the body and life. The team believes that every woman is unique, and therefore, it provides completely bespoke and tailored coaching services that are designed to meet the individual needs of each woman. Rita’s focus is on providing lifetime results without complication, by helping women understand the most effective changes for their body and life, rather than relying on methods that have worked for others. Additionally, The Women’s Business Centre offers Workplace Wellbeing Coaching, which includes seminars, interactive workshops, and events that aim to improve the physical and mental health of employees. It also offers online and in-person coaching, depending on location, and its coaching is designed to be flexible in terms of time and delivery to meet the needs and routines of each individual and company.
Inspiration Behind becoming a Fitness Leader
Rita’s journey began with the birth of her first child in 2016. Having been slim and carefree about her body, weight, and shape, she was taken aback when she gained 70lbs after her pregnancy. This led her to experience low self-esteem and a general feeling of unease in her body and energy. Rita tried countless fad diets, none of which seemed to work for her. However, she took it upon herself to educate herself and learn about how the mechanics of the body work and how the mind and soul connection can impact one’s health.
It dawned on her that her body was affecting her confidence at work, income, client interactions, and even her marriage and friendships as she started feeling disconnected from her old self. Rita initially trained as a personal trainer and worked face-to-face while still managing restaurants, her previous career. Although her clients would get good results, they never seemed to maintain them long-term. In her quest to provide her clients with lasting results, Rita obtained certifications in nutrition coaching, behavior change coaching, hormone coaching, and mindset coaching.
She combined all of her skills to create a holistic coaching approach that guaranteed lifetime results for her clients. In early 2021, she moved her business online, and clients were not only losing weight during the program but also healing their minds and habits and maintaining the results in the long run.
Becoming Best Version of Herself
The key to achieving a healthy and fit lifestyle is having a strong “why.” Simply striving for good health and fitness alone is not enough to stay motivated. For Rita, her children, travel, and business values provide the driving force that inspires her to become the best version of herself.
By staying fit, Rita is able to actively engage with her 2-year-old and climb mountains with her 6-year-old. Maintaining good health and vitality enables her to travel worldwide while continuing to work and care for her boys, introducing them to new cultures and experiences. Furthermore, living a healthy lifestyle allows her to confidently show up for her clients, walking the talk, and being a positive role model.
Discipline is not an act, but an integral part of who she is. It means prioritizing what she wants most over what she desires in the present moment. While there may be days where she craves a bread binge, Rita’s unwavering commitment to her “why” keeps her focused on her goals.
Highlighting Misconception About Fitness
According to Rita, the misconception about being healthy is that one must be in the right mindset to achieve it, but in reality, being healthy should transcend our daily moods. One can still enjoy treats like wine or chocolate and remain healthy, as healthy living is not an all or nothing approach. Categorizing food as good or bad leads to guilt and shame, which can result in binging. However, if one detaches negative emotions from certain foods, he or she can enjoy them without feeling guilty and create a balanced and enjoyable healthy lifestyle.
Significance of Mindset in Achieving Good Fitness
According to Rita, mindset is the third key element in the triangle of nutrition, movement, and mindset. She defines mindset as the emotional state in which we live. The rise in obesity rates in Western countries like the US, UK, and Australia is not due to the complexity of weight loss strategies, but rather because people fail to implement the strategies they already know. This is because many people live in emotional states such as fear, overwhelm, procrastination, and anxiety and use distractions to avoid dealing with these feelings. This can lead to self-defeating stories such as “I can’t lose weight,” “I’ll never be happy,” or “I’ll never have time for my body.” These disempowering stories prevent people from using effective weight loss strategies. Rita’s coaching approach involves helping clients shift their mindset to embrace empowering emotional states like love, joy, opportunity, playfulness, and creativity. Once they are in these states, she teaches them how to create empowering stories that enable them to effectively implement food and exercise strategies. She also coaches them to learn how to change their emotional state from negative to positive through neural associative conditioning and programming. She believes that once the mindset is solid, everything else becomes simple.
Focusing on Constant Learning
Rita is always seeking to expand her knowledge through various avenues of education. She dedicates 30 minutes each morning to listening to podcasts while walking and regularly works with her own coach, as she believes that every coach should have a coach. Additionally, Rita attends seminars and workshops every month in the health and fitness industry, as she is part of governing bodies for exercise and nutrition in her country, and is required to continue her education to maintain her position. She is dedicated to improving her own knowledge so that she can better serve her clients. However, Rita does not spend her time reading about fad trends that are designed to make quick money off people’s pain. She understands that most trends are schemes that do not lead to true lifelong results for clients, and they can be frustrating and lead to weight gain in the long term. Rita believes that true health can be achieved through a well-rounded approach that involves eating well, moving well, thinking well, and feeling well. She is not interested in quick fixes that claim to achieve the same results without any effort. Rita has thoroughly researched established diets such as Keto, Mediterranean, and Paleo and takes ideas and elements from each that can benefit her clients. However, she does not believe in cutting out or restricting any one type of food, as she believes that all foods are nutritionally beneficial in moderation. Rita only incorporates scientifically based fragments from each diet and does not subscribe to the idea that one type of food is “bad.” She believes that a balanced approach without the guilt cycle attached is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
“Do Not Hold by Fear”
Rita, a business visionary, advises women leaders not to let fear guide them but rather to let love guide them. Often, women executives are constantly busy because they are afraid of various things, such as stress, lack of money and resources, not being good enough, not having enough clients, or failing. Rita herself has been in this situation, constantly working to grow her business out of fear of the alternative—not being able to provide for her family or being loved by her husband. However, relying solely on fear will only take a business so far because people can sense the negative energy and it can leave one feeling isolated. Instead, Rita encourages women to grow their businesses from a place of love, such as love for oneself, family, clients, and purpose. She asserts, “When a business is grown from love, it attracts people who care, want to work with you, and ultimately leads to growth without stress. It’s essential to understand the value that you and your company add to the world and love that value, own it, and never fear that it is not good enough to be out in the world.”
Scaling Up Programs
Looking towards the future, Rita recognizes that the current economic climate may be challenging, but she remains optimistic and proactive. Rather than despairing, she sees this as a time for growth and expansion. Rita understands that just as each year and each life has its seasons, the economy goes through cycles of winter, spring, summer, and fall. While many business owners may panic during the winter, cutting back on marketing, growth, and investments, Rita sees this as an opportunity to expand, plant seeds for the future, and reap huge rewards when spring and summer arrive. She is currently focused on growing her business by scaling up her group program, employing more coaches, and writing her flagship book, CHAN6E, to help women across the globe learn her 6-step system. Additionally, she is developing new programs and seminars to educate and empower women on their fitness and vitality, while continually learning and brainstorming ways to improve her business. With a goal to leave no woman behind, Rita is committed to serving and ensuring that every woman can live the extraordinary life she deserves.
“You don’t need to lose weight to be happy, you need to be happy to lose weight”
“Discipline is about choosing what you want most over what you want now”
“You will never find happiness if it is based on expectation”
“Business is the energy you put out into the world. It is not a way to get, but a way to give.”
website: www.thehealthandfitnesscoach.com