The 10 Most Empowering Women Leaders in Business, 2023

Leading the Way to WOW Noreen’s Legacy in Brand and Marketing Communications

The 10 Most Empowering Women Leaders in Business, 2023

Such is the guiding principle of Noreen Sabrina Mohd Noor, the esteemed Group Head of Corporate Communications, Branding, and Community Engagement at EDOTCO Group. This philosophy isn’t merely a belief for her; it’s a commitment to ensuring that excellence doesn’t just meet standards but leaves an indelible, awe-inspiring mark on its audience.

In a world saturated with information, Noreen emphasizes the importance of creating the ‘WOW’ factor. It’s a unique blend of exceeding the expectations of the target audience and forging genuine connections, acting as the stimulus that elevates voices above the noise. “This mantra constantly pushes me to challenge the conventional, innovate relentlessly, and always aim for excellence in everything I do,” she articulates.

Noreen’s prowess extends beyond her role as a seasoned marketer and communications expert. She’s a strategic maestro, armed with an in-depth understanding of business nuances. Spanning an illustrious 20-year career, her ability to make data-driven decisions and elevate a brand’s reputation to unmatched heights sets her apart. Her leadership, especially in orchestrating multiple divisions within large organizations, showcases her skill in adeptly navigating the ever-evolving business terrain.

At the heart of Noreen’s approach lies unwavering positivity and optimism. Her passion for her work is evident, and her relentless pursuit of excellence stands as a testament to her dedication. With an insatiable appetite for new ideas, concepts, opportunities, and challenges, Noreen remains a formidable force in the realms of branding, marketing, and corporate communications. Her visionary leadership, coupled with her innate creativity and steadfast commitment, serves as an inspiration to those around her.

Determined to uplift and mentor the next generation of communication professionals, Noreen has judiciously garnered numerous accolades in Marketing, Advertising, and Brand Communications. Additionally, she lends her expertise as an Industry Advisory Panel member at several esteemed universities in Malaysia. This role not only allows her to champion innovation and recognize emerging talent but also plays a pivotal part in shaping the industry’s future workforce.

Reflecting on her journey, Noreen remarks, “I’ve donned many roles, each enriching in its own right. Being named the ‘Global Leader of the Year 2023’ by the Gartner Global Marketing & Communications Awards wasn’t just an accolade; it was an affirmation of my years of unwavering dedication, limitless passion for excellence, and commitment to leadership, inspiration, and groundbreaking innovation.”

Charting An Unconventional Journey to Leadership Excellence

Noreen’s academic and professional journey, characterized by a double major in Media Innovation and Management, has been anything but conventional. This distinctive fusion of artistic flair and strategic acumen endowed her with a comprehensive outlook, fueling her passion for innovating and pioneering in the ever-evolving realms of media and management.

Her professional journey set sail at HSBC Global Resourcing, a reputable institution in the global banking sector. Noreen’s tenacity and talent saw her swiftly ascend to the role of Senior Communications Manager, making her the youngest member of the Senior Leadership Team.

“Those transformative seven years served as a masterclass in deciphering the complexities of internal communications and unravelling the psychology behind employee engagement. At HSBC, I discovered that communication transcended beyond dialogue; it was about forging connections, resonating messages, and sparking inspiration,” Noreen reflects.

Yet, for Noreen, the vast expanse of the corporate banking universe was just one chapter. As the digital tide began revolutionizing global economies, she was attracted by a new challenge at a Malaysian government agency, the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), stepping into the role of Senior Manager of Brand Communications. Here, she was instrumental in orchestrating nationwide campaigns and roadshows that aimed to transform Malaysians from mere digital consumers to proactive contributors in the burgeoning digital economy.

“This role transcended traditional marketing. It was about sculpting a nation’s digital future. Our roadshows were more than just events; they were powerful movements, each echoing the clarion call of a digital transformation. Embracing such a pivotal role as a young woman of my age, while balancing family and a rising career, was challenging, yet the impact we made for the nation made every moment worthwhile,” she passionately recounts.

Throughout her illustrious journey, Noreen’s passion for knowledge remained unquenched. She pursued an MBA in International Marketing from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK, all while managing her professional and family commitments. This academic endeavour wasn’t just about personal growth; it became a platform for Noreen to mentor and inspire young females who aspired to become future leaders.

Crafting a Global Brand Narrative at EDOTCO Group

When Noreen joined EDOTCO Group in 2021, she wasn’t just merely enticed by a new job opportunity. She was drawn to a vision, a grand ambition of EDOTCO, aspiring to be among the Global Top 5 Tower Companies. EDOTCO Group is a Malaysian Unicorn, present in nine markets across Asia. For her, this wasn’t just another step in her career; it was a mission that resonated deeply with her expertise, offering a platform for her to craft a transformative global brand narrative.

She showcases the magic that happens when branding and communication strategies seamlessly intertwine with a company’s mission. For Noreen, it’s not about ticking boxes; it’s about crafting stories that genuinely embody a company’s heart and soul.

At EDOTCO, the recent rebranding wasn’t just about a fresh look. It was a deep dive into the company’s vision of pioneering the future of digital infrastructure. Every element, from the logo to the brand voice, was a testament to this commitment.

Noreen shares, “Our rebranding was a collective effort. Insights from every level of our team shaped our new identity. This ensured our brand wasn’t just aligned with our goals but also resonated with our culture and our promises to the nations.”

Under her leadership, a defining slogan emerged for EDOTCO: “Equitable Access for All.” This wasn’t just a catchphrase; it was the essence of the company’s commitment to eradicating digital disparities and accelerating equitable connectivity by connecting the unconnected and under-connected. This strategic narrative has since elevated EDOTCO’s stature, positioning it as a leader in the telecommunications infrastructure sector. An external Stakeholder Perception Survey further cemented this, recognizing EDOTCO as not only a formidable industry contender but also the premier infrastructure company in the Asia region.

Reflecting on the brand strategy’s inception, Noreen shares, “Our approach was holistic. We actively sought insights from a myriad of stakeholders, encompassing our valued customers, dedicated employees, and the vigilant media. This was pivotal in gauging our brand’s current standing. Furthermore, a meticulous competitor analysis allowed us to discern and bridge any market gaps. My team and I then orchestrated a strategic alignment of our current and prospective audiences with the right media channels, ensuring our communications were not just widespread but also impactful. Every step was meticulously planned, ensuring our strategic blueprint was robust and unerring.”

The refreshed vision, mission, and brand ethos instilled a renewed sense of pride within the EDOTCO family. Employees, invigorated with this renewed identity, became fervent brand advocates. This strategic pivot in brand communications and reputation management opened doors to an array of collaborations. Notable partnerships ensued with industry giants and impactful organizations, such as Meta, Fiber@Home, Huawei, Axiata Foundation, FatHopes Energy, and Yayasan Hijau. These alliances spanned diverse initiatives, from digital connectivity to sustainable practices in recycling and reforestation.

Leading with Heart in a Digital World

In today’s digital age, communication strategies need to be agile. Under Noreen’s leadership, EDOTCO has mastered this art. They’ve blended the timeless essence of traditional communication with the dynamic potential of digital platforms.

In a world overflowing with information, it’s crucial to speak the language of your audience. EDOTCO does this brilliantly, adapting its core message across various mediums. Whether it’s a keynote speech transformed into a blog post or a print article leading readers to a webinar, the essence remains consistent.

Noreen emphasizes the power of integration. In her vision, every communication channel, whether old or new, has a role to play. And with insights from data analytics, they ensure their digital strategies are always on point, resonating with their audience.

For Noreen, it’s all about telling stories that touch hearts, inform minds, and inspire action. She believes in aiming high, always looking for ways to do things better. And with the power of technology, she and her team can truly understand what people feel and need. This means they can adjust their approach, making sure they’re always hitting the right note.

Noreen says, “At EDOTCO, we speak to everyone. Whether it’s through a newspaper, a tweet, or a video, we want our message to reach you. And we want it to resonate, whether you’re a customer, a partner, an employee, or anyone else.”

EDOTCO is always looking ahead, ready for what’s next in the digital world. They’re not just part of the conversation; they’re leading it. And at the heart of it all? Their people. Noreen believes that when employees share their own stories and achievements, it makes EDOTCO’s message even stronger.

Noreen emphasizes, “Our employees are the pulsating heart of our brand narrative. Empowering them to share milestones, innovations, and stories fosters a culture of pride, ownership, and advocacy. This grassroots communication approach not only amplifies the company’s reach but also authenticates its brand narrative.”

Noreen’s leadership is a shining example of how a well-thought-out brand strategy can make waves. Her passion and her team’s dedication have not only set a benchmark for others but have also ignited a belief in the transformative magic of genuine brand stories.

Championing Unity in a Globalized World

In a world where businesses like EDOTCO span across nations and cultures, internal communication becomes more than just sharing updates. It’s about weaving a tapestry of understanding and unity among diverse teams. Noreen believes that true success comes from valuing the unique cultural and diverse voices each team member brings.

“At EDOTCO, we don’t just talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) – we live it. Our communications are tailored, not just translated, to touch the hearts of our diverse teams. Whether it’s adjusting our tone or choosing a different way to share a message, we ensure it feels right for every region, respecting their unique cultural backdrop,” Noreen passionately shares.

But the journey doesn’t end there. EDOTCO’s dedication to inclusive communication shines in its regular feedback sessions with regional leaders. These moments of reflection and learning ensure their messages always hit the mark. And with cross-cultural training, they’re equipping their teams to gracefully dance through the rich tapestry of global cultures.

For Noreen and EDOTCO, it’s about creating a space where every voice matters, every perspective is celebrated, and everyone feels like they belong. Their approach to DEI in communication is more than a strategy; it’s a heartfelt commitment. It’s a beacon for others, showing how unity can be fostered in a diverse world.

Message to Aspiring Women Leaders

As Noreen graces the cover of Fortune Business Review magazine as one of the “10 Most Empowering Women Leaders in Business,” her journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of authentic communication. It’s a reminder that with passion, empathy, and innovation, one can truly craft magic in the world of corporate communications.

Noreen emphasizes the power of empathy, urging communicators to truly step into the shoes of their audience. It’s this heart-centric approach that fosters genuine connections and builds bridges of trust. In a digital age, while the mastery of tools—from social media analytics to content platforms—is indispensable, Noreen believes it’s the human touch that truly makes communication memorable.

Change is inevitable, and adaptability becomes the key. Noreen champions the idea of embracing change, constantly evolving to ensure messages resonate in an ever-shifting landscape. Amidst the saturation of the digital age, she highlights the importance of authenticity. It’s this genuine, transparent communication that acts as a guiding light, helping stakeholders navigate the maze of information.

“To truly excel in this field,” Noreen advises, “one must remain ever-curious, genuine, and always eager to learn.” It’s this mantra that has been the cornerstone of her illustrious career. Her unwavering commitment to creating ‘WOW’ moments in a world brimming with information sets her apart. As she leads many dynamic teams throughout her career, her ethos continues to inspire, pushing boundaries and setting new benchmarks.

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