The 10 Most Inspiring CEOs in Business

Romain Gerardin-Fresse: Expert in Handling Technically Complex Cases, Requiring Extensive Legal Expertise

The 10 Most Inspiring CEOs in Business

A person who, by virtue of education, training, skill, or experience, has specialist knowledge in a given topic or discipline beyond that of a layperson, and on whom others may rely for advice on matters pertaining to that field of expertise, is referred to as an expert. Romain Gerardin-Fresse is considered one of the top 10 legal experts in Europe. He is an ex-political and diplomatic advisor who now counsels wealthy individuals, famous people, some nations, and the heads of big international organisations.

He established the firm Gfk Conseils-Juridis, which was frequently honoured by the authorities for the calibre of its legal work. It has been nominated for the EG Awards in the categories of Best Reputational Consultancy and Business Law Firm for 2020, as well as Best Luxury Multi-Family Office for 2019 and 2020 by the Luxury Lifestyle Awards, Luxury Crisis Management Firm of the Year 2019, and Luxury Crisis Management Firm of the Year 2019.

The First Step towards Entrepreneurship

Romain has consistently participated in the advisory actively during his different missions. He presided over a variety of teams, whether they were for senior diplomats, legislators, or business executives, whose fundamental goal was to assist “principals” in making the best choices.

Romain eventually decided to open his own practise so that he could use the knowledge he had gained from all of these varied experiences to help many people at once. Born is Gfk Conseils – Juridis.

Gfk Conseils – Juridis

Gfk Conseils is a multidisciplinary firm that offers a comprehensive solution to its clients. It is providing a response that goes beyond professional sectorizations and integrates all the paradigms that must be addressed. Romain states, “We do not confine ourselves to providing legal or managerial expertise. We define a cross-cutting strategy.”

The strength of Gfk Conseils is precisely because it is not only interdisciplinary but also, and especially, globally transverse. It has had to modify its global reaction as a result of its clients’ geographical presence in numerous different regions.

Gfk Conseils is now capable of managing all the specifics resulting from issues that involve territories other than the region initially concerned, in addition to being able to handle a problem as a whole. The company states, “Our clients bring to our attention situations to be resolved, which are sometimes complex in terms of overlapping jurisdictions and cultural appreciation of the dispute.”

Advancing Legal Space

At least on a European continent where regulated professions want to play the preserve, where the merger of numerous competencies is not common.However, reversing codes has been one of its success factors since there was a genuine demand that business executives and well-known figures had not yet satisfied. According to Romain, people who seek a single point of contact for all of their needs frequently have technical requirements.

According to Romain, the law firm of the future is the one that can act as a super-rampart in the face of several challenges and as a companion to daily life. This requires overcoming divisions in order to offer genuine, pro-active solutions.

As a Team Leader

Romain clearly goes against the grain of a particular vision that is currently being supported. He believes that a team must be led decisively. According to him, efficiency and effectiveness start with necessity. However, one must be faultless in the execution of one’s missions before being demanding of one’s colleagues.

Accountability, on the other hand, makes some things visible. You can get the best performance out of your staff by granting them autonomy and warning them about the repercussions in the event of failure. Romain adds, “The cross-checking of the tasks entrusted helps to limit the errors that can be made. Remains to personally supervise everything in order to eliminate any risk.”

Holding Trust and Support

As Romain sees it, Gfk Conseils does not expect to bring about change. It wants to prevent them, support them, and make stakeholders and decision-makers aware of the repercussions. He shares, “Let us not forget that our role is that of the council; we must understand, prevent, assist, and accompany.”

What is new, innovative, pleases the customer but often frightens the professions established in a secular way, and which see with a bad eye the establishment of a multi-modal structure, which risks robbing them of a market share and many subsidies. Gfk Conseils’ experts have tried to curb this possible animosity by absorbing the various trades—notably and mainly legal—so that professions perceive the firm more as an opportunity than a competitor, with success. Romain asserts, “We have made them partners. An ally rarely becomes an enemy in the medium term.”

The Spirit of Laws

Romain’s favourite book related to law is “The Spirit of Laws” by Montesquieu. He finds that it’s not just a book about the law, it’s deeper, it’s a treatise on political theory. He asserts, “What is fascinating is that Montesquieu has worked on his work for nearly 14 years. What is magnificent is that this work, published in 1748, has received great praise but also acerbic criticism.”

In response, Montesquieu published a second work in 1750, entitled “Défense de l’Esprit des Lois”. It defines laws not as commandments to be followed but as “the necessary relationships that derive from the nature of things”. Romain considers this an extremely interesting vision of the law in society.

The Post-Pandemic Transformation

It is indisputable that COVID-19 inspired numerous businesses to digitise their data processing, management, and administrative procedures. Unstoppable and irresistible, they will continue to be recorded in time and be pushed to its culmination when Romain discovers this forced metamorphosis with the aid of outside conditions. He continues by saying that the leaders will undoubtedly take advantage of the consequent centralization and simplification, which will be supported by a decrease in the carbon footprint, which is still a particularly touchy social problem.

“Dematerialisation will be accompanied by the exponential development of artificial intelligence and algorithm management,” says Romain. Nevertheless, it will be necessary for the latter to watch, even more than now, for all the risks attached to it, especially in terms of cyber security and interdependence with blockchain systems, where the human variable will be limited in its intervention.

Keys to Successful Leadership

From his years of experience, Romain believes that pugnacity and self-denial are the two keys to success in an increasingly complex business environment.  He believes that his diligence will be what distinguishes him as the leader of the future. He doesn’t think skills exist. He respects hard work. He says, “The overcoming of oneself passes through the inexorable and incessant culture of value work.” He also adds, “You can be good at what you do. If you want to be excellent and outperform your competitors, you have to be driven to win. To do that, you have to work more than they do.”
