Top 10 Pioneering CEOs to Follow in 2023

WALTER SCIACCA: A Renowned Global Leader in Motorsport Real Estate Development

Top 10 Pioneering CEOs to Follow in 2023

Walter Sciacca is the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Sciacca International Projects, an international company based in Milan (Italy) and specialized in highly-innovative giga-projects, racetrack construction, and motorsport-related real estate development with the ability to generate high financial returns.

Driven by a passion for both motorsport and IT, Walter established his first company at the age of 25, focusing on organizing circuit events. By integrating computerization into every step of the process, he became the first enterprise worldwide to do so and revolutionized the approach to event organization and management. His objective was to introduce innovation and new trends rather than simply following established ones.

Entering in Entrepreneurship

Similar to other prominent global enterprises, Sciacca’s adventure began in a garage situated in a small racetrack in southern Italy. The garage was transformed into an office to accommodate the growing business. His first endeavour, which would be considered a start-up in contemporary times, experienced exceptional growth, achieving a six-figure revenue in its second year.

Over a period of 15 years, Walter has successfully organized more than 1500 events across numerous racetracks in Italy, other parts of Europe, and even other continents. His accomplishments have garnered the attention and support of leading brands sponsoring these events, establishing the name Walter Sciacca as a brand and a benchmark, an unparalleled leader in his field.

After, Walter transitioned his focus to management consulting following the events. In fact, international racetracks directly reached out to him for consulting services, initially for event organization and later for the enhancement of racetrack management. His efforts involved setting up a new business model to maximize their revenue, profits, and the quality of their events and competitions, thereby elevating their national and international prestige.

Among the numerous consulting projects, one stood out as a significant achievement. Walter Sciacca was appointed as the CEO and Managing Director of Imola Circuit – Enzo and Dino Ferrari, which is considered to be one of the most important and historic racetracks in the world.

Walter’s mission is time-bound, as he was entrusted with the challenging task of turning around the fortunes of a racetrack that was on the brink of financial decline. He becomes the driving force behind the facility’s economic and sporting revival, managing to triple the turnover in his first year of management and laying the groundwork for the return of the Formula 1 World Championship, an event that took place in 2020.

Over the course of two years, Walter achieved all the objectives he was assigned and decided to leave his role a year ahead of his mandate to work on the countless consulting requests he had received during that time.

In the last decade, Walter has dedicated himself to managerial consulting as well as the establishment of new racetracks or the enhancement of existing ones. In 2020, he founded his eighth company, Sciacca International Projects, headquartered in Milan.

The clients of the new enterprise is diverse and includes governments, global investment funds, multinational construction firms, project developers with significant economic and technological impact, and individual industries and entrepreneurs who aim to finance and execute private or commercial projects either individually or as a group.

The Key to Constant Growth

Walter believes that there are several traits that are crucial to consider before hiring a new employee. These include the ability to actively listen and understand, not just hear; communicating efficiently and empathetically; the ability to defuse emotions in tense situations to manage relationships empathetically and with emotional intelligence.

Other important traits include empathy, conflict resolution skills, the ability to inspire and motivate others, being able to view situations from different angles, driving a team without commanding them, flexible time management, modesty, curiosity, a drive to learn and improve, passion, resilience, perseverance, recognizing merit, delegating, and being a good psychologist. Emotional intelligence and empathy are especially important for building strong relationships with team members and clients.

Effective leaders must also have a clear vision and the ability to take their entire team with them without leaving anyone behind. Walter emphasizes the importance of defusing emotions and activating rationality rather than raising one’s voice or punishing mistakes.

Experience alone is not sufficient to manage emotions, and specific training courses can help individuals learn how to manage their own emotions in extreme situations. Walter has personally participated in training courses on problem-solving, negotiation, persuasion, active listening, strategic communication, and more, with well-known professionals in applied psychology.

While passion is important, it must be balanced with rationality and analysis, as blindly following one’s passion can lead to failure. Continuous learning and commitment are also essential for both personal and professional growth.

Walter finds that continuous learning, seeking inspiration from others, being resourceful yet humble, and never giving up are all important traits to cultivate for personal and professional growth. Patience and proactivity are also keys to navigating challenges and achieving goals. Thank you for sharing your valuable insights on leadership and success.

A Renowned Leader

Numerous press articles worldwide have featured Walter, and he has received various acknowledgements and awards. The most memorable one for him was in 2012, coinciding with the birth of his daughter Vittoria. In October of that year, he was awarded an honorary degree in economics and commerce, including a PhD. While it was a pleasant surprise for him, Walter has always prioritized the satisfaction of clients over prizes and accolades throughout his life. He believes that customer satisfaction is the ultimate reward, as their patronage is what drives the prosperity of the business.

Leadership Methodology

Walter’s approach to business has always been to strive for an inspired vision, rather than simply following established trends. This mindset has allowed him to develop innovative business models and drive development in new directions. In contrast to micromanagement, which he finds too restrictive and potentially harmful to the business, Walter prefers to focus on efficient management strategies that allow for flexibility and adaptability in response to changing market conditions. He asserts, “My style is horizontal, not vertical or pyramid management; I like to inform everybody of the business plans, and I like to encourage and reward when the circumstances require so.” He always said, “If things go well, it’s everyone’s merit, but if things go badly, it’s all my fault! “It doesn’t matter who made the mistake; it’ll be my fault.”

According to Walter, effective communication is essential at all levels of business. Building genuine relationships based on mutual interests and empathy is crucial, and it’s important to understand others psychological aspects. He believes in considering different perspectives and putting oneself in the other person’s shoes.

Walter also values giving inexperienced people a chance and helping them grow professionally. He recognizes that mistakes can happen, and it’s important to be ready to address them as opportunities to learn and improve. He sees it as an instructional approach rather than a punitive one. He says, “You have to indicate the objectives and ask the employees how they intend to reach them without imposing our way of working straight away. Sometimes you’ll be surprised and you’ll discover that this objective can be reached in different ways, some of them quicker and cheaper than others, so always listen without interrupting. “Then seek advice and decide whether to provide guidelines or let them do it on their own.”

Walter appreciates the input and creativity of his new team members and encourages them to freely express their ideas. He believes in delegating responsibilities and empowering young people to take on important roles. At the same time, he also values the experience of his senior team members and creates a collaborative environment where everyone can work together towards common goals. He avoids creating a competitive atmosphere and instead fosters constructive challenges that encourage personal and professional growth.

Love for Family and Work

Walter’s heart fills with love when he sees or hears his daughter, making it the most precious moment in his daily routine. Balancing personal and professional lives is a challenging task, and he admits that it can be difficult at times. There have been ups and downs in the past, and there may be more to come. As professional responsibilities increase, so do the concerns and problems that come with them. Walter believes that it is crucial to manage negative emotions and avoid making decisions when emotions are running high. The key is to stay calm and rational in all situations.

Walter’s primary focus is his 10-year-old daughter, Vittoria. He believes that it’s crucial for her to feel his presence even when he’s physically distant. They connect via video call several times a day, and Vittoria enjoys sharing her daily experiences with him. Although he refrains from discussing his work with her, he listens to her stories and occasionally shares his own childhood memories. Vittoria practices horseback riding at what Walter believes to be the best riding club in southern Italy, with champion instructors who prioritize emotional intelligence in their teaching. Walter attends her important equestrian events and follows her progress closely, as he believes horse riding is a highly beneficial and educational discipline that he recommends to everyone, especially children and teenagers.

In the photo, Vittoria is pictured with her instructor, Aurora Catalano.

Future Vision

According to Walter, the future of success in the market lies in breaking down the target audience into smaller segments and specializing in specific sectors. The ability to adapt to changes in the market is crucial. However, the key ingredient for success is vision: the ability to anticipate and foresee the market’s evolution. This requires individuals to be true “visionaries” who keep a stockpile of ideas in their “warehouse of dreams”, some of which may take 5 or even 10 years to come to fruition. The only limit to success is having no limits and thinking beyond the present. He asserts, “We must always try to turn critical situations, such as those generated by the pandemic, into opportunities.”

During the lockdown, Walter and his team directed their efforts towards new projects, taking advantage of the remote working arrangements. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused delays in some projects, it has also accelerated certain processes, particularly in the IT sector, which was already highly developed. As a result, Walter’s businesses have maintained a competitive edge, with minimal effort leading to maximum results. The use of virtual reality and augmented reality has enabled clients to visualize projects as if they already existed, providing a unique advantage. Walter has planned projects that will be revealed in the coming years, while others will take up to a decade to complete. This approach satisfies investors and clients for an extended period, while Walter continues to look ahead to the future, recognizing that the key to success is the ability to evolve.