Transformational Business Leaders to Follow in 2023

Phil Bristol: Empowering Transformation and Driving Success

Transformational Business Leaders to Follow in 2023

Phil Bristol, the Founder, President, and CEO of Projectivity Solutions, is a catalyst for transformation and success. With a wealth of experience, he collaborates with boards of directors, executives, leaders, high potentials, and teams to enhance their effectiveness, influence, and profitability. Phil’s expertise lies in facilitating personal and organizational change, acting as an executive sounding board for complex people issues, and empowering high performers to elevate their contributions and effectiveness.

Passionate about guiding individuals and organizations on their growth journey, Phil combines a unique blend of skills and knowledge. Drawing upon his sixth sense, practical business techniques and tools, esoteric sciences, and expertise in people, communication, critical thinking, and business strategy, he propels individuals and organizations to new levels of performance.

As an entrepreneurial leader, Phil has successfully steered his company for over 35 years. His presentations and workshops on “Speak the Language of Leadership,” “Forward Facing Leadership,” and Pivot Point Leadership have earned acclaim from executives worldwide. By imparting invaluable insights and strategies, Phil empowers leaders to embrace change, drive innovation, and achieve remarkable results.

With a deep understanding of the dynamics of leadership, Phil Bristol is a trusted advisor and mentor, guiding individuals and organizations towards their peak potential. His holistic approach and vast experience make him a catalyst for growth, unleashing the transformative power within individuals and organizations alike.

A Journey of Experience and Expertise

Phil’s interest in project management was initially sparked by Admiral Rickover’s role in developing the Polaris nuclear submarine. In the late 1960s, Phil attended the Department of Defense (DOD) Project and Program Management training program. At that time, he served as an Airborne-Ranger officer with the 3rd Armored Division in Frankfurt, FRG (Federal Republic of Germany), under the United Nations Command in Seoul, ROK (Republic of Korea), and later at the Test & Evaluation Command in Aberdeen, MD, and HQ Seventh Army in Honolulu, HI. During his military service, Phil applied project management techniques to various projects, gaining practical experience in the field.

From 1990 to 1997, Phil further enhanced his program and project management skills during his tenure at Syntex Corporation. He held positions such as the international strategic systems planning officer and the director of manufacturing systems. These roles provided him with valuable opportunities to apply project management principles and contribute to the success of the organization’s projects.

Through his diverse experiences and continuous development of project management skills, Phil has acquired a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field. These experiences have shaped his perspective and approach to project management, enabling him to effectively tackle complex projects and deliver successful outcomes.

Driving Business Value through Comprehensive Solutions

Projectivity Solutions specializes in enhancing business value by identifying and eliminating unseen obstacles that hinder client satisfaction and productivity. The company has been operating since 1997, originally providing project management services to custom home builders in Palo Alto, CA. As its expertise grew, Projectivity Solutions expanded its focus to include designing and delivering complex projects for notable organizations like Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, New United Motors (NUMMI), and Eddie Bauer.

Over time, the company shifted its target market from Fortune 500 companies to organizations with 500 or fewer employees. Projectivity Solutions serves clients across various locations, with a core presence in the United States, Europe, and India. By conducting assessments to evaluate organizational complexity, the company assists CEOs in objectively identifying strengths and challenges that impact customer experience and service quality.

Through its comprehensive approach, Projectivity Solutions fosters a common language and knowledge within leadership teams and employees. This integration encompasses culture, interpersonal relationships, work processes, project management methodologies, and strategic plans. By addressing these interconnected aspects, Projectivity Solutions enables its clients to optimize performance, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve their business objectives.

Striking the Balance

Phil believes project managers need a balance of technical and interpersonal skills for success. They should excel in creating schedules using methodologies like Waterfall, Agile, or Lean, while also demonstrating leadership, communication, time management, negotiation, team dynamics, and critical thinking abilities. Clear project goals aligned with the business, accountability, and effective communication are vital to overcome challenges. Unrealistic deadlines and resource allocation should be avoided. Well-designed feedback mechanisms, regular communication, goal clarity, and accountability contribute to project success. By possessing the right skills, addressing challenges, and fostering effective communication, project managers can navigate complexities and deliver successful outcomes.

Proactive Risk Management

Phil’s approach to project risk management involves close coordination with the client and utilizing the project schedule to identify, analyze, mitigate, and communicate risk events. The project team conducts periodic reviews, looking for warning indicators of risk triggers and implementing appropriate risk responses. Phil also recommends using spreadsheet formats for qualitative project prioritization, with tools like Smartsheet offering helpful templates and action steps. This comprehensive approach ensures proactive risk management and informed decision-making for successful project outcomes.

Building a Strong Foundation

When advising someone who is just starting out in project management, Phil suggests the following steps:

Join the Project Management Institute (PMI): PMI is a globally recognized organization for project management professionals. Becoming a member will provide access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and industry insights.

  • Pursue Project Management Professional (PMP) certification: The PMP certification is widely recognized and demonstrates a high level of competence in project management. Phil recommends aspiring project managers to pursue this certification as it can enhance their credibility and open up new career opportunities.
  • Engage with the local PM chapter: Joining a local PM chapter provides a platform to connect with other professionals in the field. Attend chapter meetings, participate in discussions, and take advantage of the learning and networking opportunities offered by the local PM community.
  • Attend local or regional professional conferences: Professional conferences offer a chance to learn from industry experts, gain insights into current trends and best practices, and expand one’s professional network. Phil encourages newcomers to project management to attend such conferences to broaden their knowledge and establish connections with experienced professionals.
  • Unleash creativity and excellence by serving others: In project management, building positive and supportive relationships is crucial. Phil emphasizes the importance of serving others, being proactive, and finding opportunities to contribute to the success of projects and teams. This approach helps foster strong relationships, gain trust, and create a positive impact within the project management community.

By following these recommendations, newcomers to project management can acquire the necessary knowledge, certifications, and network to thrive in their career and make meaningful contributions to the field.

Nurturing Knowledge and Building Bridges

Phil ensures he remains well-informed about industry developments and best practices in project management by maintaining a constant curiosity to unleash his personal creativity and pursue excellence. He recognizes the value of building positive and supportive relationships by serving others. Phil actively engages in networking and exchanges ideas and practices with colleagues at local, national, and international levels, which serves as a strong foundation for professional growth. Additionally, his dedication to staying up-to-date involves being an avid reader of professional publications. Through this habit, he consistently discovers new ideas and reacquaints himself with forgotten ones, ensuring a continuous availability of knowledge and insights.

Unveiling a Vision for Growth

At the conclusion of 2022, Projectivity Solutions embarked on an extensive retrospective evaluation, with the aim of assessing its services, staff, and client base. The company upholds its unwavering commitment to delivering services that facilitate operational excellence and cultivate collaborative teamwork. As Projectivity sets its sights on the horizon of 2023-2024, it envisions refining its strategic planning service, augmenting its range of offerings in Europe and India, and providing mentorship to an advisory team. These strategic initiatives are designed to enhance the company’s capacity to provide exceptional service to clients and further fortify its reputation as a dependable provider of expert consultancy services.
